Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Visit to the Brooklyn Museum - 942 Words

During my visit to the Brooklyn Museum, I found it both intriguing and informative. The layout of the exhibition was divided into about three to four sections. Each section of the museum represented a movement of the 60’s. The themes represented were segregation of blacks and whites, how they tried to gain equality and the changes they anticipated would happen in the future. The artwork throughout the exhibit was displayed in a varying gradient of black and white to colors. The type of background information provided in the exhibit were captions under each artwork specifying the artists’ name, the year and time it was created and what message the artwork was trying to portray. I did find the information that was provided to me helpful because it gave me an insight on to what the specific artwork was about and the message it was trying to convey to the me, the viewer. One artwork I observed in this exhibit was David Hammons (American, b. 1943). The Door (Admissions Offic e), 1969. In this photograph it shows a body pressed against a door trying to gain entry into an admissions office. The main character is a young African-American boy. The role the character plays is a student trying to get admissions into a White school. During this time the U.S. Federal Government implemented school desegregation throughout the nation in 1954. White communities did not like the idea of this and tried blocking black students from attending these white schools. The photo brings out aShow MoreRelatedThe Borough Of Brooklyn913 Words   |  4 Pages Our next adventure was Brooklyn, NY. Although this borough was just a 20-minute train ride away I never really had many opportunities to visit it. I was excited to visit the borough because growing up I always heard that it had the best food in all of New York City. The borough is also known as Kings County and is home to nearly three million people. This makes Brooklyn the second most populous boroughs in New York. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Impression management in accounting Example

Essays on Impression management in accounting Essay Impression Management in Accounting Number: Introduction Impression management theory is one of the theories being applied in the 21st century in controlling information. It refers to the process or activity whose main goal is to control information specifically in order to sway the perception of the audience (Cunningham, 2013, p.45). Under this type of management, managers are interested with influencing the impressions of the other people such as friends and enemies, influence objects such as products or organizations, events like task performance, ideas such as socialism versus capitalism among other aspects. Often, impression management is bewildered with self-presentation (Cunningham, 2013, p.45). Self-presentation refers to a scenario whereby individuals try to control their own impressions rather than that of the other people or other business entities. Under impression management, the management’s focus on controlling the its image or impression over some objects and events which is a vital element in effective interaction. Impression management theory is gaining some popularity in the accounting sector in the modern world since the scope of accounting information has been experiencing tremendous growth with the accounting reports being released influencing major factors in the business organization. However, dominance of this type of management in the accounting sector has been negatively affecting the comprehension, reliability as well as the relevance of accounting information. Therefore, this calls for ways of reducing or standardizing accounting information while at the same time reducing chances of application of impression management in the accounting reports since such a room would only affect the reliability of the information given hence lowering the quality of the information given. According to the impression ma nagement theory, business organizations or individuals are required to create and maintain opinions that are consistent with the impression they want to create to the public (Cunningham, 2013, p.45). The theory also explains ways in which individuals can establish and maintain their good public image. Voluntary disclosures refer to the information released by business organizations as part of their annual reports even though they are not required by the law to do so. The released information is meant for enlightening all the stakeholder about the crucial decisions that the management could have made. Voluntary information mostly encompasses management projections, forecast, analysts’ presentations, press release, financial press and the industry’s expert analysis just to mention a few. These types of disclosures are very common in the modern world since managements are using them as a way of providing extra information to clarify issues of concern that might have caused dissatisfactions of the stakeholders from the released mandatory reports. Mandatory financial reports refer to the information that business organizations are required by law or company’s act to release. Mostly organizations are required to disclose crucial financial reports to the public espe cially for public companies as per the accounting standards or stock exchange regulations. The theory of voluntary and mandatory reports explains reasons why it is necessary for corporates to release the two reports and more so voluntary disclosures. Some of the main reasons are attraction of new shareholders, which creates and maintain high demand for the corporates shares, minimizing information risks, which would lead in lowering the cost of capital and in helping the company in raising capital. Such information may also create a good public image of the organization by disclosing information relating to the activities that the company has engaged in that are socially responsible. Corporate narratives refers to the stories that are written the organizations management communicating about the relevance of the business entity and what it offers to the customers lives be it personal or within the business context . The narratives are termed as a highly effective way of capturing the attention of the customers and the public in general. Great stories lead to more customer attractions and at times, they may end up having a bigger impact in the market place than the typical marketing hence generating more revenue for the organization. However, for the narratives to be effective, they have to meet some standards in terms of credibility, readability, understandability, variability, textual characteristics among other elements. It is very important for corporate narratives to be readable and be easy for manipulation or variance. Poorly prepared narratives may end up not communicating the desired message to the public at all since they only narratives are only confusing and distracting. However, the level to which readability of the narratives can be influenced is limited. At times, the narratives may be left confusing deliberately purposely so as to make the readers to probe more about the organization hence in the process the management conveying the desired message. Readability is influenced by two factors namely managerial manipulation and writer’s incompetence. Nevertheless, in both situations, the narratives could be made difficult to read intentionally or intentionally even though mostly it can only happen deliberately because most corporates hire professionals to write these narratives. Understandability of the narratives is another crucial aspect that the writer should lay special focus on. Incomprehensible stories are likely to make the public more confused with the intended message being not delivered at all. Easily understandable narratives are interesting while reading and remain in the readers’ memory for long. The narratives should also be easily variable depending on the circumstances so that the management can easily manipulate it. The text used should make readability easy as well as make the writing more attractive for the customers to be eager to read it. Unappealing writings are likely to be ignored by customers. The narratives should focus on the company’s strengths by giving good news that is likely to win the confidence of the stakeholders over the company’s performance. Well-presented financial reports can promote the image of the organizations to the community (Gibson, 2009, p.65). This is achieved by use of graphs in the end year reports which focuses on relationships, makes analyzing of data easy hence saving time as well as help in making the readers to remember the report more clearly. It also makes reading easier even for the people who do not know how to read by highlighting key points. Graphs are mostly used for representing financial information such as company’s profit growth in profit and its decrease in expenditure among other crucial reports. However, some corporates tend to misuse graphs in communicating information that does not require use of graphs. In addition, excessive use of graphs as well as biased labeling can also be termed as misleading or distorted graphs. Some of the potential bias in the financial graphs include improper labeling, deliberate erroneous scale as well as using a truncated graph whose y-axis scale doe s not start from zero (Gibson, 2009, p.65). In conclusion, impression management involves activities that the management applies deliberately in order to influence the other people’s perception on matters concerning events or objects. This type of management has gained popularity over time especially in the accounting sector whereby management control the information released by their accounting reports specifically to influence people. This ends up affecting the quality and reliability of the given information. It is important for a business to release voluntary disclosures for they help in clarify issues off greater concern to the public that the compulsory annual reports may not elaborate. Use of corporates narratives plays a major role in marketing the company. They should be prepared by a professional so as to make them easily readable and comprehensible. Graphical representation of annual financial reports play creates a good image of the company. It should be free from biases as well as not be over used. Some of the common biases common are improper labeling as well as scale error, which could be done intentionally. Bibliography Cunningham, C. 2013. Social networking and impression management: Self-presentation in the digital age. Lanham: Lexington Books. Gibson, C. H. 2009. Financial reporting analysis: Using financial accounting information. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Top of Form Top of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Bottom of Form

Saturday, December 14, 2019

International Communication Focusing on Fifa 2014 Free Essays

string(32) " vendor and the ticket scalper\." Vuvuzelas sound and it fills the stadiums with a noise that is still heard ringing in the ears of millions days later, even months after it has ended. The overwhelming feeling of excitement spreads through the veins of everyone watching and those on the edge of their seats just waiting for the next goal to be scored, determining who wins the world cup and takes home the famous gold â€Å"FIFA World Cup Trophy. † The World Cup is a tournament that comes every four years and lasts a month long with tournaments every day from June 13th- July 13th The World Cup brings in a whirlwind of excitement and emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on International Communication Focusing on Fifa 2014 or any similar topic only for you Order Now This victorious event will be held in Brazil in the year of 2014 but before June 13th hits, there is a massive amount of planning to be done. With all the preparations leading up to the World Cup we will capture the trials and tribulations through the eyes of four locals in Rio de Janeiro. First, we will film one year before hand and capture everyday life without the World Cup. We will take a look at how Brazilians live their lives on a day to day basis without the chaos and media attention of the event. We will do this by following four individuals, interviewing them about how they feel about the World Cup and how it is affecting their daily routine. Our second round of filming will place our crews with the same four peole on the day of the first game in Rio de Janeiro. The World Cup takes the world by storm every four years. While in America, soccer has just recently gained a large following, it has been a way of life for generations in many countries throughout the world. We can identify with this phenomenon somewhat if we relate it to the impact of the Olympics when they were held in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996. An event of this scale becomes all-consuming and places the city and country under a worldwide microscope. The World Cup produces a whirlwind of excitement with years of preparation that costs and generates millions of dollars. Many sports in America have a strong following and fan-base, but nothing can truly be compared to that of soccer overseas. Countries such as Mexico, Spain and Brazil look at soccer, its players, and the games, as a way of life. Brazil especially has been known for its talented and renowned soccer (â€Å"futebol†) team throughout the years and they have won five World Cups. From the outside looking in, Brazil has been known as one of the powerhouses, if not the powerhouse of soccer worldwide. The fact that FIFA and all of the other governing and deciding bodies have chosen to place the World Cup 2014 in Brazil generates further excitement, but also places this country under close watch from viewers worldwide. As we saw with the World Cup 2010 in South Africa, a country can be drastically altered and affected by such a large-scale event. We want to create this documentary to shed light on the impacts, trials and jubilation of such an incredible event. While many see the benefits of hosting such an event, there are plenty of drawbacks as well. We want to create an in-depth look of this phenomenon, the World Cup, and show also how it affects the country that is producing the event. So much goes on behind the scenes and many lives are impacted, whether negatively or positively. By following four real people with everyday jobs and average, normal lives, we hope to inform the public of the on-goings of the preparation for the World Cup, as well as how individual lives are impacted. We want to follow four people; a ticket scalper, police officer, a fan and a street vendor. Through this we hope to achieve a more personal view of such an immensely grand event. We want to inform the public of the preparations involved in the World Cup as well as the madness that ensues once it all begins. We will chronicle this massive worldwide soccer tournament through the eyes of normal everyday Rio de Janeiro citizens in the attempt to show a real-life perspective of a fantastical and media-centric event. While there are documentaries aplenty, ours is unique in that it shows the impact on a country and its citizens, something many viewers of the World Cup never consider. By creating a personal and impactful narrative that comments on economic repercussions, nationalism and pride, we hope to appeal to viewers who want to see a cultural view of soccer that has never before been created. Nicknamed â€Å"Cidade Maravilhosa† — Portuguese for â€Å"marvelous city† — Rio de Janeiro conjures many images including Ipanema Beach and the famous Cristo Redentor statue atop Corcovado Mountain. But in 2014, one of the most important global sporting events, the World Cup, will arrive in Brazil where soccer — or futebol as they know it — is the lifeblood of the culture. After FIFA announced Brazil as the hosts of the 2014 World Cup on October 30, 2007, a different set of images would materialize for the population of Rio de Janeiro. Once upon a time it was the site of the final match of the 19 50 World Cup in Maracana Stadium. Uruguay came from behind to beat its host 2-1, even though Brazil was heavily favored after eliminating previous opponents Spain and Sweden. Since then, Rio de Janeiro has been home to some of Brazil’s most popular soccer clubs: Botafogo, Fluminense, Vasco da Gama and Flamengo. With a past and present such as this, tensions and expectations will undoubtedly be high, especially where soccer is so inter-meshed with their culture. Choosing to film in Rio de Janeiro will capture much of this drama associated with the World Cup as we follow our four subjects: the police officer, the fan, the street vendor and the ticket scalper. You read "International Communication Focusing on Fifa 2014" in category "Essay examples" In general, we want to keep the area surrounding Maracana Stadium as our locus of interest, but this isn’t necessarily realistic. The subjects have dynamic lives each and every day, especially as the World Cup draws closer, so it may be difficult to remain under the shadow of the venue. As each subject travels through different areas of the city, the camera crews will have to make critical judgment calls about when to uncap the lens. Our film crews can expect to capture the best footage in some of Rio de Janeiro’s most exciting sites. The city is known for its soccer, tourism, night life and beaches, but we will want to focus on the North Zone. It contains several neighborhoods and important tourist attractions, including our primary filming location, Maracana Stadium, which is located in the Tijuca neighborhood. It is home to many of the middle class residents and also the lower class favelas, which are crime-ridden neighborhoods filled with poorly built shanties. Our police officer will certainly be answering calls from this poor section of Rio de Janeiro where our ticket scalper is a resident. Our street vendor and soccer fan will also be residents of the Rio North Zone. It is there in the North Zone that we will want to follow each of our characters into their homes. Once inside their homes, our camera crews can film the effects of the World Cup on the Brazilian household unit. We will discover just how the home family life is transformed both demographically and psycho-graphically. Questions can be answered such as: a) Has new disposable income, as provided by the World Cup’s economic opportunities, increased the family’s standard of living? b) Has Brazilian pride in its national sport entered the home life? c) Has the importance of home security changed due to the hysteria associated with the World Cup? Once these questions are answered, a more complete view of the character is revealed and analyzed by the audience. Another set of important sites will be public centers for transportation. The primary modes of transportation are by municipal train and bus lines since driving by car is very difficult. Due to a great deal of highway congestion, cars often move at a snail-like pace. Important themes will manifest themselves as we travel to and from each location. These places, which are usually replete with a colorful culture, will be amplified in the presence of the World Cup. The documentary will actively connect the dots between Brazil’s national pride and their national sport at these various locations. The Maracana Stadium will be the most important site. There we will capture each of our characters’ paths intersecting outside and inside the venue. The fan will obviously be destined for the stadium itself; the street vendor will set up shop as close to the stadium as possible so as to snag the most consumers as possible; and the policeman will have critical interactions with the ticket scalper, who will be acting against the law. Many memorable characters exist in a documentary just like any other genre of film. The goal is to capture reality but there is no need to move away from the act of story telling. The idea behind the characters of our documentary is that they are all connected through each other by the duties they perform throughout the documentary.. Our first character to appear is the police officer. Juan Sminho is 38 and works for the Rio de Janeiro tourist police. He performs regular policing in the streets of Rio by assisting tourists and pointing them in the proper direction to where they are headed. Juan also performs similar duties to what the united states police force does but he is not as involved with crime as our police forces are. He lives on the north side in a two bedroom apartment with his wife and brother. He does not come from a wealthy family but did inherit some from his parents when they were murdered 10 years ago in a robbing which pushed him to become part of the Brazil police force to keep things like that from happening to other families. He will show the audience what it is like in everyday life as a tourist officer, then there will be a dramatic change of pace a year later on the chaotic streets of Rio where his duties are truly put to the test with all the tourist in town for the World Cup games. Juan’s duties will be to perform crowd control, assist tourists and seek out ticket scalpers; this is a highly illegal offense in Brazil. Most everyone has seen a ticket scalper before, but if not, they are the ones that stand on the corners of concert/sport venues and sell those last minute tickets needed for the fans. Ticket scalping is very illegal in Brazil and punishable by jail time, but that does not stop our scalper from risking it all for some extra cash. We will follow Gustavo Silva, a thirty-four year old Rio native who has never left the North region. He works as a ticket scalper primarily, but during the slow months tries to make ends meet by helping out at his parents’ modest fruit stand in the outskirts of Rio. The popularity of soccer as a sport, particularly in Brazil, directly effects his livelihood and well-being. Seeing Gustavo in his element both before and during the World Cup will create a dynamic story for the viewers. Viewers will identify with Gustavo’s endearing and persuasive personality because of his hard-working attitude. Ticket scalping just became illegal in Brazil, which is obviously a threat for Gustavo. The documentary will show the discrepancies in this law as it is not seriously enforced until the World Cup in 2014. The effects of this on Gustavo will prove to be detrimental. With money being tight and having to find work wherever possible, some residents of Rio do not have a choice. Our team has high hopes for our scalper that he will sell a ticket to our next character, the fan. What is a team without its fans; similar to a sandwich without bread. A sandwich does not exist without bread much like a team would be nowhere without fans. Soccer fans have been seen taking their â€Å"fandom† to the extreme, but the more extreme it is, the more the team feels honored and welcome. Brazil soccer fans are famous throughout the world for their enthusiasm and carnival atmosphere at the World Cup. Many soccer managers will often claim that soccer fans can act as an extra man or the infamous â€Å"12th Man† and this is certainly the case when Brazil plays in front of over 100,000 soccer fans at the famous Maracana Stadium. The fans are not always as supportive though, in fact, they can be rather harsh. This was shown when the team came home after the 2006 world cup without a win, according to Kevin McNally of E-zine Articles. We hope to capture all this excitement while following around our dedicated fan, if Brazil loses then it is possible that our film gets even more interesting with the outrage that the country will have on them. Choosing a fan for our documentary was tough but we have found one who truly shows the spirit needed to connect with our audience. Paulo Cardoso is originally from Rio and lived there until he was 18. Once old enough, he moved to the United States to attend college but soon wanted to return to his home country after graduating. Paulo is a business major but is currently working at his parents coffee shop as a manager to help them out. He is 28 and has been an avid futebol fan since he was born, according to him. Every four years he gathers around the big screens in Rio to watch Brazil triumph, or try to, over their competitors. He will take us through the festivals in Rio including â€Å"Fan Fest Rio 2014. † His grandfather attended the World Cup in 1950 when it was last held in Brazil followed by the World Cup in 1978 held in Argentina and this time Paulo’s father went alongside. Paulo has been saving as much money as he can to be able to hold the tickets that so many others strive to have. He does not plan on buying a ticket before the games due to hopefully cheaper prices on game day. He will be a huge help on guiding us around Rio due to our unfamiliarity to the city. Paulo brings to the documentary the familiar language of English but with the Brazilian traditions that we could all stand to learn from. He as well as many other fans will interact with many people but as always, he will buy some form of merchandise from a street vendor before the game. This will allow for our fan and street vendor to interact with one another. There will be a numerous amount of street vendors trying to sell anything they have that represents the world renowned Brazil â€Å"Futebol† Team. Our film crews will follow around one vendor who sets up shop close to the stadium in hopes of catching the most business. Gearing up for the World Cup takes a lot of preparation, which is why it is imperative that we catch her one year before hand before she starts ordering merchandise and preparing for the mass amounts of fans to flood the city of Rio. Claudia Trigoso, 26, lives in the favelas in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro. Under normal circumstances Claudia deals with irregular employment due to his low socioeconomic standing, but the arrival of the World Cup will give her the opportunity to transform her situation. She has applied to Eurosport catalog to sell some of their merchandise near Maracana stadium. Soon, with the proper licenses, she will be cleared by Rio’s municipal administrators to set up in this area. Claudia hopes she can make enough profit to start a business of her own after the World Cup and its excitement wane. With this in mind, she might someday have the opportunity to move out of the North Zone favelas into a safer, more affluent neighborhood where she hopes to start a family of her own. In addition to highlighting the changes from life before the World Cup to life uring the tournament from the perspective of our four main characters, our camera crew will venture out into the streets and local pubs. Our crew will conduct first-hand interviews with everyday citizens to get a better grasp on the impact of the World Cup on the people of Rio. The filming crew will ask the public questions pertaining to how the World Cup has economically impacted their businesses, their transportation around the city, and whether or not they will be watching or attending the World Cup. There are many components that go into making a documentary outside of the characters, locations and themes. While the overarching themes will make a large impact on our viewers, the intricate details disbursed throughout the film will contribute drastically to the overall feel of the documentary. Throughout the documentary our characters and locations will be introduced using typewriter text as it is typed across a blank screen. The segments will not necessarily be rigidly formatted but the characters will be introduced as they fall into place in the documentary. Aside from the interviews included in our film it will primarily remain in the observational category of documentary film making. By taking a third-party neutral approach to the film the audience will get a realistic and personal view into the lives of the residents of Rio. Our documentary will target a large demographic due to the emotional and sports aspects as well as the excitement generated from the FIFA World Cup overall. We hope to target ages eighteen to fifty by placing this sixty minute documentary on a major network such as ABC. We initially contemplated airing the documentary on ESPN because of its sports focus, but eventually agreed that ABC would be the best choice. Not only is it a well-respected major network, but our aim is to capture the World Cup viewers for our documentary. By airing Joga Bonito on the network that is already broadcasting all of the World Cup games, we will grab the attention of the avid soccer fans who will hopefully already be watching ABC (the World Cup games will be used as somewhat of a lead-in for our documentary). In order to generate even more viewers, we will air advertisements throughout the month of the World Cup tournament to create buzz and excitement. Throughout this month, the public will have plenty of time to hear and read about our documentary. The documentary â€Å"Joga Bonito† will air as a prime-time special a few days before the World Cup finals. The title of our documentary, Joga Bonito, is meant to evoke the spirit and essence of soccer and of Brazil. This term is Portuguese for â€Å"The Beautiful Game† which is commonly used to describe Association football, also known as futebol or soccer. When soccer was originally created and rules were formally established, it was referred to as â€Å"The Simplest Game†. This eventually evolved into The Beautiful Game, or Joga Bonito, when a famous Brazilian player named Pele named his biography The Beautiful Game. Because this term is now widely used when referring to the sport of soccer, and because of its roots and foundations in the country of Brazil, we saw Joga Bonito as a fitting title for our documentary. Joga Bonito will, as previously stated, offer to its viewers a discourse of national identity and the impact of the World Cup on the citizens of Brazil within the context of an emotional adventure through the streets of Rio. The juxtaposition of a personal look at the four characters and the mainstream international media event known as the World Cup will create a unique and powerful documentary. This concept appeals to the masses because it addresses a worldwide event. Within this discourse, however, we visit the personal implications of such an event and the role of nationalism and pride within an international context. By contrasting life before the World Cup with life during one of the first games, the drastic cultural and societal changes that occur in preparation of such an event will be highlighted. The emotional appeal of this documentary will intrigue viewers while informing them of international life and the results of an event that thrusts a nation into the international spotlight. How to cite International Communication Focusing on Fifa 2014, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Baroque Music Period Example For Students

Baroque Music Period A Baroque suite is A multi-movement instrumental work based on rhythms of popular dances The dates given in the course for the Baroque Period place it between: 1600-1750 The composer of the following music example could likely be :40 Purcell The dynamics in this example is best described as: :47 Terraced dynamics Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? 3:32 Contrasts between a small group of soloists and a larger ensemble The following selection, sung by Historicus, comes from a well-known __________. :35 oratorio Which of the following describes this example? :40 Wide dynamic range and repetition in the melody to express deep feelings Which statement does NOT apply to the following music example? :20 It is sung a cappella One characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it might be from the Baroque Period is: :29 It contrasts a group of instruments with a solo instrument. The secular text and overall musical style of this example suggest that it is from a/an: :40 Opera Listen to this music example and answer the following question: What would be the typical expectation regarding the rest of the movements of this particular type of work? :47 There may be other movements, some of which may introduce soloists. Who composed La favola dOrfeo, a work that marks the beginning of opera as a major art form? Claudio Monteverdi The sacred text and overall musical style of this example suggests that it is part of a/an: :47 Oratorio Listen to this music example and answer the following question: Who would be a likely composer for this work? :47 Bach or Handel. Early baroque music is characterized by frequent use of polyphonic texture. False In the Baroque period, music for keyboard Was created mainly for use in instrumental genres such as sonatas, suites, and concertos The following excerpt is most likely from a/an: :40 Opera During the Baroque period, the musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called: Basso continuo The musical features of the following example suggest that it comes from a/an: :40 Aria Which of these examples is a recitative? :24 Excerpt B Farinelli was a famous: castrato The following excerpt is most likely from a: :22 Concerto In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. True Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? :28 Performed by a small orchestra Which of the following important events took place during the Baroque period? The Scientific Revolution According to Monteverdi, what is the difference between prima practica and seconda practica? Prima practica emphasized equality of voices whereas seconda practica emphasized a hierarchy of voices Which one of the following pairs of words or phrases represents the two main concepts behind Baroque music? Basso continuo; The Doctrine of Affections The following excerpt is an example for which style of recitative? 1:00 Recitativo secco The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. :25 True Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? :39 Excerpt B The following excerpt is most likely from a(n) :33 Piece for solo keyboard The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. 1:01 False Which statement does NOT apply to the following music example? :20 It has monophonic texture Which of the following important events took place during the Baroque period? The Thirty Years War The vocal technique illustrated by the following example is known as: :21 Melismatic singing During the Baroque period, the term sonata was used for musical works __________. to be played The texture of this excerpt is: :32 Polyphonic Which group was credited with inventing the recitative? The Florentine Camerata A Baroque oratorio is A multi-movement sacred work for soloist and choir intended for a concert performance A Baroque sonata is A piece for solo instrument or a small group of instruments The Baroque concerto is A piece that contrasts a solo instrument with an ensemble Which of the following is NOT a Baroque composer? Dufay Which of the following examples features melismatic singing? :21 Example C What is the name of the technique used in the following excerpt? 1:54 Terraced dynamics The earliest surviving opera—then called dramma per musica—was written by a member of the Florentine Camerata named: Jacopo Peri

Monday, November 25, 2019

Richard the Second essays

Richard the Second essays Richard the second was born January 6, 1367. He was king of England from 1377-1399. He was son of Edward the black prince and grandson of king Edward the third. Richard took his grandfathers throne in June of 1377, he was not yet mature of old enough to run things so things continued to be run by the same nobles. John of gaunt(duke of Lancaster) ran things while Richard was young and for the last few years of Edwards reign. Gaunts misrule made the economy go down and the long conflict with France kept on going. This was king Richards first crisis even though he was not yet old enough to do much about it. The rebels against king Richard were pacified not long after they started and Richard got married in June of 1382. John of gaunt was able to keep peace with the French until he decided to flee to Spain in 1386 to persue personal things. Soon after he left Richards enemies started to take over. They created an 11-man team that would oversee all the kings activities for a ye ar. When Richard tried to stop them the retaliated by having the parliament outlaw his closest friends and some were executed. In May of 1389 he announced he would rule as an independent monarch. Gaunts return in 1389 stabilized the situation for a little while. During this time Richard was really looking at getting back at his enemies, and he did. He had Arundel convicted of treason and sentenced to death, Warwick was banished and Gloucester was put in jail and murdered. In September of 1398 he had a chance to banish Bolingbrook(Henry) and Thomas Mowbray, but he did not. Instead he made a disastrous mistake by leaving for Ireland. While he was gone Henry invaded England and got all the nobility to support him. When Richard returned he surrendered to Henry without a fight. King Henry then took the throne and imprisoned Richard. Four months later he died believed to be of starvation. Shakespears story of his murder has no reliable sources accordi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

Case Study - Essay Example As can be seen from the market concentration of the web browser industry it is majorly covered by two players with Microsoft and Mozilla Firefox covering 84.7% market share. The entry and exit barriers are relatively higher and the product is mostly homogenous across all companies without much differentiation. This suggests an oligopolistic nature of the web browser industry. The companies are dependent upon others and shall take other companies actions and counter-moves of other companies wile making decisions (Melvin and Boyes, 2002). The oligopolistic nature of the web browser industry implies that there is a chance that companies might indulge in collusion to stabilize the market position. In such a situation, the role of Competition Commissions become important to stop the formulation of cartels as it may hinder the growth of the market. In the case of web browser industry, Microsoft is bundling the web browser with its operating system, thereby giving less chances for other players to launch their web browser and earn profits. As a result of the skewed market share of the web browser industry, the smaller players in the market have to try hard to gain market share and find innovative ways of doing the same. The Web Browser Industry has performed exceedingly well with the rise in the internet and the world wide web. Over the last few years, Google Chrome has shown significant growth in the market share. The growth in the market share of Chrome has resulted in a drop in the market share of Microsoft web browser. Companies have made new revenue streams such as online marketing. The competition commissions in its decision said that it is necessary for Microsoft to show the browser choice screen. The reason stem from the fact that when the windows is shipped, it is boxed with the internet explorer which roled to many users not making use of other web browser. In order to provide a level playing ground for all the web browser providers, it is necessary

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Feeling after concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Feeling after concert - Essay Example The cast of the Legions of Black Collegians despite coming from from various groups, nationalities, and backgrounds sung a unified and inspirational music for the audience. They have given each of the audience the hope and unity with their songs. The performances of the students of MU School of Music, Department of Arts and Department of Theatre have once again proven the high-quality education that they received from the university. They have given another concert that touched that lives of the audience. Presenting Thomas Jefferson’s life this year has given each audience the knowledge about the 3rd President’s significant contribution to the country. Aside from the lessons we learned in school, the concert have shown us how President Jefferson helped the United States of America became independent. As we know, President Thomas Jefferson was the Founding Father and principal author of the Declaration of Independence. However, some of us are not aware of this. A lot of us were also not aware of his contribution and efforts for the United States of America. Therefore, this concert has not only given an exceptional performance but also left awareness and memorable information for the audience to ponder. The Corps of Discovery Opera as well as Trey Makler contributed their superb performances for the audience. Makler’s music was very unique. He really stood out and made each one alive with his extraordinary performance. He has proven that he was worthy of the recognition for Sinquefeld Prize. The Corps of Discovery Opera also delivered a brilliant performance. The audience was in admiration as expected. The stage presence of the cast of the concert is very remarkable. They have portrayed composure and mastery of their crafts. The stage is simple and the lighting is visually acceptable. The performance area had the right decorations. The crowd focused on the casts on stage and their exemplary performance. The concert is definitely

Monday, November 18, 2019

Social media and its usage for marketing and advertisements Research Paper

Social media and its usage for marketing and advertisements - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in this information technology-based era every business is trying to enhance its services and products over its competitors. In this case, online support is considered to be a crucial factor in any advertising policy and arrangement. Additionally, companies and industries initiated promotion and publicity operations focused on people with the help of written sources and audio/video channels. However, this policy is expensive and its efficacy is hard to determine. On the other hand, it is generally not obvious that how broadcast marketing will play a major role in the latest information financial condition that allows for exceptionally cooperative and focused interactions. Thus, in this customer-oriented financial system, companies are trying to discover additional money-making methods to promote their business services and products-line, access existing clients, and make new users/clients across the business boundaries. Business people sometimes talk about the Return on Investment (ROI) in Social Networking. In fact, it sounds great, but what does it mean to the business people? How does it actually help them grow their business? The simple answer to these questions is that businesses could be successful through Social Networking. However, normally, social networking is a process that helps organizations establish the relationship and then continue and maintain them by means of customary practices such as telephone, e-mail, and face-to-face meetings.... Thus, if a company builds identity on the social networking site, it will allow drawing people who share their viewpoints and want to work with you (Tubb, 2011). At the present, the social networking websites have become a family name. Despite the fact that, it is someone’s confidential or professional life, they are in fact wonderful process for communicating with friends, colleagues, and making new relationships online (Sedycias, 2009). Since, a social networking web site is a web site where people are able to develop an online profile; and they mention their interests in profile, as well as they can insert links to other profiles. Typically, the users of social networking sites are able to dispense personal information, encompassing photographs, blog entries and videos. MySpace is an example of social networks, which is very popular in the same way with individuals and with music groups, who are able to market their tour dates, and transfer their songs on their profile page s (Hawkins, 2009). A social networking site is a very helpful and functional way to keep in contact with a large number of people (friends, colleagues, relatives, etc). Since, if someone has some news which he/she needs or wishes to distribute to others, then he/she can insert it on his/her personal bulletin board and it will be transferred or distributed to the people to whom he wants to share. Thus, the social networking sites can play a significant function for meeting with new people, whether on a business or friendship (Hawkins, 2009). Phillips & Phillips (1998) define the social network as a set of organizations, businesses, individuals, or other social entities

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Law and morality

Law and morality Title: The ultimate basis for adhering to the positive thesis of the conceptual differentiation of law and morals is itself a moral reason. The point is to make sure that it is always open to the theorist and the ordinary person to retain a critical moral stance in face of the law which is. (MacCormick) Discuss. EXAM MODEL ANSWER Introduction This discussion focuses on the relationship between law and morality and the conceptual differentiation of the two paradigms. It is appropriate to begin with a definition of terms. Law can be defined as a body of rules and principles of procedure and conduct established and enforced by a political authority. Morality can be defined as a code of conduct advanced by a society or religion or adopted by an individual to guide his or her own behaviour[1]. In essence, as Kant asserts in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals[2], morality is a personal concern, whereas law is a societal concern. There is a complex nexus between law and morality, the extent and depth of which has fluctuated over time and the appropriateness of which is the subject of considerable debate. The following commentary contains an analysis of the featured quote underpinned by observations from eminent authorities in the field. Law and Morality Law can be distinguished from morality on the grounds that a legal system is comprised of specific, written principles and rules interpreted by officials who are charged with the duty of applying appropriate penalties and awarding appropriate remedies. In very broad terms, the law and morality have a common goal, being the lessening of social harm or evil. There is undoubtedly a substantial overlap between the conduct governed by law and that governed by morality and laws are inevitably often judged against a moral matrix. As, for example, the current debate concerning the age of criminal responsibility for children illustrates, moral criticism is commonly the catalyst for reform of the law and as Dworkin argues in Law’s Empire, the interpretation of the law should delve beyond the black letter of the legal framework into the realm of morality[3]. This position is comparable to that of Raz in Legal Principles and the Limits of Law[4]. It is often difficult to chart a neutral path between the substantive theories of legal positivism and legal moralism, as Koller illustrated in The Concept of Law and Its Conceptions[5]. Debate on the issues of ‘natural law’ and ‘morality’ has been plagued by vague definition and incongruous terminology. Even those positivists who might be characterised as ‘soft’ or ‘inclusive’ have conceded that there is no obligatory connection between morality and law, although they often contend that moral criteria are referenced in determining the validity of legal principles, such as constitutional rights as put forward by Waluchow in The Weak Social Thesis[6]. The famous Hart/Devlin debate of the 1950s and 60s sparked by publication of the Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution (the Wolfenden Report)[7] in 1957 concerned the proper relationship between morality and law. This debate eventually saw the arguments for the dislocation of law from private moral choices advanced by Hart win out over the conservative ideology of Lord Devlin, who was concerned to preserve the link for the ‘good’ of society. Hart put forward a theory of positive law, which has been considered in recent times by commentators such as Orts, who in Positive Law and Systemic Legitimacy: A Comment on Hart and Habermas[8], has argued for exception from the thesis of the separation of morality and law along the lines of ‘systemic legitimacy’ drawn from the work of Habermas. It is certainly true that critical legality can be employed to contrast Hart’s own conception of â€Å"critical morality† and it is submit ted that Orts is well founded in his central contention that modern positive legal systems must maintain systemic legitimacy. MacCormick’s view is manifestly correct, although it is really stating little more than the obvious. A critical moral stance must always be retained in the face of the law and while the legal system is operated by human beings this will inevitably be the case. The law will always be guided, to some extent by a moral compass and morality will continue to influence decision-making and the day-to-day administration of justice in every corner of the legal system. Cases such as Pretty v United Kingdom (2002)[9] concerning the right to die and euthanasia, R v R (1991)[10] concerning rape in marriage, Re A (Children)(2000)[11] regarding the separation of conjoined twins and R v Brown (1993)[12] dealing with consensual acts of homosexual sadomasochism, illustrate that in practice (which overrides the abstract) the relationship between law and morality is indivisible. Concluding Comments Law governs conduct within our society. Morality influences personal decisions relating to individual conduct. The conceptual differentiation of law and morals is thus, at fundamental level, difficult to identify with precision. It is true to conclude that law can be divided into two components. Law consists of a body of basic concepts (its conceptual system) and of a body of general legal principles (its substantive system). The distinction between these two components is not easy to describe, but in essence the underlying conceptual system endeavours to distil the basic framework and superstructure of the paradigm of law, whereas the overarching substantive system lays down its morally-shaded, normative constituent parts. It is submitted that in what is a highly subjective and often abstract field of theory, there are no right answers, but some that are clearly ‘better’ than others. Rational natural law theory clearly anchors the contents of law firmly in morality and equates legal principle with moral principle. Therefore, while conceptual legal dogma separates law from morality (although this need not discharge itself into positive law), natural law forges a coalescence. This commentator supports the line taken by Puchta in Cursus der Institutionen[13], in drawing a distinction between law and morals which, in turn is in accord with the Kantian distinction between legality and morality. In this sense the law delineates the outer limits to be imposed on individual freedom of choice, while morality is confined to an internal, personal choice which is influenced by a subjective sense of obligation, conduct and social duty. This suggests that the primary connection between law and morality is that the law provides individuals with the possibility to make moral choices with certain parameters. THE END EXACT WORD COUNT INCLUDING TEXT OF ANSWER ONLY : 1002 Question text, footnotes and bibliography not included. BIBLIOGRAPHY Case law as footnoted to standard citation Dworkin R, Law’s Empire (Legal Theory), (1986) Belknap Press Kant, I., Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, (1967) Barnes Noble Koller, P., The Concept of Law and Its Conceptions, (2006) Ratio Juris Vol.19 Issue 2, pp 180 -196 Orts, E., Positive Law and Systemic Legitimacy: A Comment on Hart and Habermas, (2007) Ratio Juris, Vol. 6 Issue 3, pp 245 278 Puchta, G., Cursus der Institutionen, (2002) (reprint of 1850 edition), Adamant Media Corporation Raz, Legal Principles and the Limits of Law, (1972) 81 Yale Law Journal 823 Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution 1957 (London: HMSO) Cmnd 247 Wallace, G. and Walker, A. D. M., editors, The Definition of Morality, (1970) Methuen Waluchow W., ‘The Weak Social Thesis’ (1989) 9 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 Footnotes [1] See for insightful comment: Wallace, G. and Walker, A. D. M., editors, The Definition of Morality, (1970) Methuen. [2] Kant, I., Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, (1967) Barnes Noble. [3] Dworkin R, Law’s Empire (Legal Theory), (1986) Belknap Press [4] Raz, ‘Legal Principles and the Limits of Law’ (1972) 81 Yale Law Journal 823. [5] Koller, P., The Concept of Law and Its Conceptions, (2006) Ratio Juris Vol.19 Issue 2, pp 180 -196. [6] Waluchow W., ‘The Weak Social Thesis’ (1989) 9 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23. [7] (1957) (London: HMSO) Cmnd 247. [8] Orts, E., Positive Law and Systemic Legitimacy: A Comment on Hart and Habermas, (2007) Ratio Juris, Vol. 6 Issue 3, pp 245 278. [9] (2002) 35 EHRR 1. [10] (1991) 1 All ER 759. [11] (2000) EWCA Civ 254. [12] (1993) 2 WLR 556. [13] Puchta, G., Cursus der Institutionen, (2002) (reprint of 1850 edition), Adamant Media Corporation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What Is Changing In The Technology Of Heavy Construction Mac :: essays research papers

SUBJECT: What is changing in the technology of heavy construction machinery?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In being one of the leaders in the construction industry, it is our duty to keep up with and push ourselves in acquiring upcoming technology. As per your request on the topic, we have created a team to not only acknowledge some of the possibilities we may be faced with in the future, but to assess the causes and effects of the technology advancement. As one of the nation’s top contractors, we know first hand the importance that quality equipment plays in the completion of projects and percentage of profits retained from those projects. One vital piece of machinery that is not functioning properly can effortlessly place a job behind schedule and behind budget. And so it is easy to understand how any possible progression of equipment science could be of great importance to the company. In this report, we want to focus on two links stemming from the subject of construction equipment technology. The first point being, theoretical causes for technology advancement and the second point being, conceptual ideas currently in the works. In our research, we found that concrete findings were rare and few between, being that much of this subject is speculation or â€Å"napkin† design ideas. However; with all that our society is accomplishing and inventing everyday, it is easy to visualize the possibilities that we may be looking forward to in the coming years. Causes: Some theoretical explanations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no exact, scientific reason for which manufactures are looking to the future of construction machinery and seeing the equipment being run by computers, not operators. But there are some theoretical reasons why. To begin with, there is currently a shortage of skilled operators being felt by many companies; including ours. Along with this shortage of skilled operators, follows a shortage of skilled repair technicians to fix any malfunctioned machinery. The reason for this is that the present skilled labor coming into our work force is more educated . Therefore; they are more technical in most respects, and less interested in operated machinery then in controlling it. One reasons for this effect is thought to be due in part to the reality that kids in recent decades were not brought up playing with their toy trucks in the dirt outside, but with computer and video games. Each new generation is raised with a greater knowledge and understanding of technology, what its possibilities are and what it can do for them.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Steroids Changed Mlb

Known as America’s pastime, baseball is a game in which generations of children of all ages grow up playing in parks, streets, and alleyways throughout America. These same children grew up idolizing names such as Cy Young, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Jackie Robinson, and Hank Aaron. These men, as thousands of men before and after them, played in a league simply named Major League Baseball. Major League Baseball is rich in history with statistics and records dating back to 1873. Baseballchronology. com (n. d. ) provides this fact. However, as technology has advanced, so have the men who play this game. In the last 15 years athletes have become bigger, faster, and stronger making a game that is so difficult to play,look relatively easy. As a result records that have stood for many years are able to be shattered. Attendance has increased to record levels. Team owners and players are making record amounts of money. Unfortunately, along with these record accomplishments Major League Baseball is enjoying, the use of illegal drugs known as steroids are running rampant among the league’s players. Therefore, although players have become bigger, faster, and stronger, rampant steroid use among players of the last 15 years has changed the face of Major League Baseball negatively. Although it is true that steroids cannot improve a hitter’s hand-eye coordination, balance, or reflex, steroids can affect how hard a hitter hits a baseball. The harder one can hit a baseball the better the chance a hitter has of a getting a base hit. More hits lead to more runs scored, home runs hit, runs batted in by a single player. High statistics lead to Major League Baseball records that have stood for many years to be broken. A player will earn a high salary because of his accomplishments. He will have more of a fan base. This not only affects his pocket book, but the pocket book of the owner of the player’s baseball team because of the increased attendance the player generates. Higher attendance leads to higher television ratings. High television ratings affect Major League Baseball because the higher ratings are, the more the league could demand in a network television contract. With all these factors to consider it is easy to see why a player would use steroids despite the health risk, and why owners would overlook rampant steroid use in Major League Baseball. Thompson, Vinto, O’Keeffe, & Red, 2009 provides interesting facts on this subject. Rampant steroid use has a profound effect on Major League Baseball’s home run record book. Major League Baseball dates back to the late 1800s. An astonishing five of the top 11 home run hitters of all-time either are confirmed or suspected steroid users including the top home run hitter of all-time Barry Bonds. Next is the single home run record. Barry Bonds also owns this record. He hit an amazing 73 home runs in 2001. Barry Bonds surpassed Mark McGwire whom alone with Sammy Sosa became the only players in Major League Baseball history to hit more than 61 home runs in a single season. Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa are both confirmed steroid users. Mark McGwire hit 70 home runs in 1998 and Sammy Sosa hit 66 that same year. Prior to 1998 only two players ever hit more than 60 home runs in a single season. They are Babe Ruth, who hit 60 home runs in 1927 and Roger Maris who hit 61 home runs in 1961. Sportscity. com/MLB/500-Home-Run-Club (2007-2010) provides homerun statistics. Neither, Babe Ruth nor Roger Maris are suspected or confirmed steroid users. Steroid use is a key factor in perhaps the greatest pitcher of all-time’s success. Roger Clemens pitched 24 seasons in Major League Baseball. He compiled 354 wins, ninth most in history, 4672 strikeouts, third most all-time, seven Cy Young Awards, most all-time, while winning two World Series. Clemens allegedly began taking steroids in 1998. His accuser, Brian McNamee, Roger Clemens personal trainer from the year 1998 through the year 2007, testified to a senate judiciary committee, under oath that Roger Clemens began taking steroids not only to bulk up his aging body, but to help aid recovery time in between games. For athletes, the benefits from steroids come in the form of accelerated recovery from injury and from workouts, allowing them to exercise harder and more frequently. For a pitcher, especially aging pitchers, steroids help them bounce back between games† (Thompson, Vinto, O’Keeffe, & Red, 2009, p. 32). Roger Clemens denies these accusations and even fi led a defamation lawsuit again Brian McNamee that was eventually thrown out of court. If Roger Clemens used steroids, would he have won 354 games, or struck out 4672 hitters? Would Roger Clemens have won two World Series championships and seven Cy Young awards? Unfortunately, baseball fans may never know whether or not Roger Clemens took steroids; therefore these fans will never know the answer to these questions. However, just the question itself brings doubt to the legitimacy of Roger Clemens’ records and accomplishments. Broken records are not the only way rampant steroid use changed the face of Major League Baseball. In 1994 a labor dispute between the players and the owners resulted in a work stoppage. For the first time in the league’s 123 year history, a player’s strike resulted in the cancellation of Major League Baseball’s playoffs and World Series. Prior to the strike of 1994 Major League Baseball’s popularity was at an all-time high. Attendance reached a record high 70,257,938 in 1993. The previous record was set in 1991 at 56,813,760. Unfortunately for Major League Baseball, attendance figures dropped dramatically following the strike. Attendance figures from 1995 through 1997reached an average of 57,911,768 per year. Nineteen ninety-eight was a completely different story. Attendance figures hit a record high of 70,601,147 in large part because of the homerun race between Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. Baseballchronology. om (n. d. ) provides statistical attendance facts. Television ratings reached an all-time high because of the large number of fans who wanted to watch every Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa at bat. Major League Baseball’s popularity was again at an all-time high. Owners and players benefitted greatly because of the substantial increase in revenue. Although there were many rumors concerning steroid use among players in Major League Baseball; neither the Major League Baseball’s Players Association or Major League Baseball’s Owners cared to implement a steroid testing program. Rampant steroid use among Major League Baseball Players was just a rumor in 1998. If the two sides agreed to test for steroids and those test turned up positive results in some of the game’s biggest names, attendance would fall once again. This was simply too much of a risk. Owners decided to look the other way, hoping rumors would fade. Rampant steroid use among players has changed the face of Major League Baseball negatively. First, steroid use among players changed the face of Major League Baseball’s record book. Second steroid use among players help drive attendance up by captivating fans from around America who had no idea players were shattering records because of the use of an illegal substance. Third, steroids use among players helped players and owners line their pockets with millions of dollars in revenue this attendance increase generated. Finally, any accomplishment a player has achieved in the last 15 years is in question from fans of Major League Baseball because these fans do not know every player who used steroids. This is an unfortunate reality for players who achieved greatness through hard work; without the aid of any

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pelear Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Pelear Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb pelear means to fight. It can mean to have a physical fight, but also a verbal fight like to argue or quarrel. Pelear is a regular -ar verb, so it has a regular conjugation, like other -ar verbs such as buscar, tratar and ayudar. This article includes pelear conjugations in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Using Pelear and Pelearse The verb pelear can be used when talking about fighting or arguing with someone, as in Yo peleo mucho con mi jefe (I argue with my boss a lot). It can also be used to talk about fighting for something, as in Ella pelea por sus derechos (She fights for her rights), or to compete for something, as in Nuestro equipo pelea por el primer lugar (Our team fights for first place). When used with the reflexive pronoun it can simply mean to have a fight with someone, as in Ella se peleà ³ con su hermana (She had a fight with her sister), but it can also have the reciprocal meaning of fighting with each other, as in Los enemigos se pelean todos los dà ­as (The enemies fight with each other every day). Pelear Present Indicative The present indicative conjugation of pelear is regular, so it follows the same pattern of other -ar regular verbs. Yo peleo I fight Yo peleo con mi hermano frecuentemente. Tà º peleas You fight Tà º peleas por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Usted/à ©l/ella pelea You/he/she fights Ella pelea por sus derechos. Nosotros peleamos We fight Nosotros peleamos para ganar la carrera. Vosotros peleis Youfight Vosotros peleis mucho por los juguetes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas pelean You/they fight Ellos pelean por cualquier cosa. Pelear Preterite Indicative The preterite tense is used to talk about completed actions in the past. Yo peleà © I fought Yo peleà © con mi hermano frecuentemente. Tà º peleaste You fought Tà º peleaste por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Usted/à ©l/ella peleà ³ You/he/she fought Ella peleà ³ por sus derechos. Nosotros peleamos We fought Nosotros peleamos para ganar la carrera. Vosotros peleasteis Youfought Vosotros peleasteis mucho por los juguetes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas pelearon You/they fought Ellos pelearon por cualquier cosa. Pelear Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It can be translated to English as was fighting or used to fight. Yo peleaba I used to fight Yo peleaba con mi hermano frecuentemente. Tà º peleabas You used to fight Tà º peleabas por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Usted/à ©l/ella peleaba You/he/she used to fight Ella peleaba por sus derechos. Nosotros pelebamos We used to fight Nosotros pelebamos para ganar la carrera. Vosotros peleabais Youused to fight Vosotros peleabais mucho por los juguetes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas peleaban You/they used to fight Ellos peleabanpor cualquier cosa. Pelear Future Indicative The future tense conjugation starts with the infinitive (pelear) and then you add the endings (à ©, s, , emos, à ©is, n). Yo pelearà © I will fight Yo pelearà © con mi hermano frecuentemente. Tà º pelears You will fight Tà º pelears por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Usted/à ©l/ella pelear You/he/she will fight Ella pelear por sus derechos. Nosotros pelearemos We will fight Nosotros pelearemos para ganar la carrera. Vosotros pelearà ©is Youwill fight Vosotros peleareis mucho por los juguetes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas pelearn You/they will fight Ellos pelearn por cualquier cosa. Pelear PeriphrasticFuture Indicative The periphrastic future is conjugated by using the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive pelear. Yo voy a pelear I am going to fight Yo voy a pelear con mi hermano frecuentemente. Tà º vasa pelear You are going to fight Tà º vasa pelear por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa pelear You/he/she is going to fight Ella vaa pelear por sus derechos. Nosotros vamosa pelear We are going to fight Nosotros vamosa pelear para ganar la carrera. Vosotros vaisa pelear Youare going to fight Vosotros vaisa pelear mucho por los juguetes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana pelear You/they are going to fight Ellos vana pelearpor cualquier cosa. Pelear Present Progressive/Gerund Form The present participle or gerund is formed with the ending -ando (for -ar verbs). It can be used as an adverb or to form progressive tenses like the present progressive, which uses the auxiliary verb estar. Present Progressive ofPelear est peleando Is fighting Ella est peleando por sus derechos. Pelear Past Participle The past participle is formed with the ending -ado (for -ar verbs). It can be used as an adjective or to form perfect tenses like the present perfect, which uses the auxiliary verb haber. Present Perfect of Pelear ha peleado Has fought Ella ha peleado por sus derechos. Pelear Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated to English as would verb, and is used to talk about possibilities. It is formed similarly to the future tense, starting with the infinitive form (pelear) and adding the conditional ending. Yo pelearà ­a I would fight Yo pelearà ­a con mi hermano frecuentemente si viviera con à ©l. Tà º pelearà ­as You would fight Tà º pelearà ­as por la igualdad de gà ©nero si te interesara ms. Usted/à ©l/ella pelearà ­a You/he/she would fight Ella pelearà ­a por sus derechos, pero no tiene apoyo. Nosotros pelearà ­amos We would fight Nosotros pelearà ­amos para ganar la carrera si tuvià ©ramos ms energà ­a. Vosotros pelearà ­ais Youwould fight Vosotros pelearà ­ais mucho por los juguetes si no tuvierais suficientes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas pelearà ­an You/they would fight Ellos pelearà ­an por cualquier cosa, pero no tiene sentido. Pelear Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive starts with the stem of the first person singular present indicative (yo peleo) and then you add the subjunctive endings. Que yo pelee That I fight Mi madre no quiere que yo pelee con mi hermano frecuentemente. Que tà º pelees That you fight El jefe sugiere que tà º pelees por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Que usted/à ©l/ella pelee That you/he/she fight La abogada recomienda que ella pelee por sus derechos. Que nosotros peleemos That we fight El entrenador quiere que nosotros peleemos por ganar la carrera. Que vosotros peleà ©is That you fight Pap no quiere que vosotros peleà ©is por los juguetes. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas peleen That you/they fight La maestra no quiere que ellos peleen por cualquier cosa. Pelear Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive can be conjugated in two different ways. They are both considered correct. Option 1 Que yo peleara That I fought Mam no querà ­a que yo peleara con mi hermano frecuentemente. Que tà º pelearas That you fought El jefe sugerà ­a que tà º pelearas por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Que usted/à ©l/ella peleara That you/he/she fought La abogada recomendaba que ella peleara por sus derechos. Que nosotros peleramos That we fought El entrenador querà ­a que nosotros peleramos por ganar la carrera. Que vosotros pelearais That you fought Pap no querà ­a que vosotros pelearais por los juguetes. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas pelearan That you/they fought La maestra no querà ­a que ellos pelearan por cualquier cosa. Option 2 Que yo pelease That I fought Mam no querà ­a que yo pelease con mi hermano frecuentemente. Que tà º peleases That you fought El jefe sugerà ­a que tà º peleases por la igualdad de gà ©nero. Que usted/à ©l/ella pelease That you/he/she fought La abogada recomendaba que ella pelease por sus derechos. Que nosotros pelesemos That we fought El entrenador querà ­a que nosotros pelesemos por ganar la carrera. Que vosotros peleaseis That you fought Pap no querà ­a que vosotros peleaseis por los juguetes. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas peleasen That you/they fought La maestra no querà ­a que ellos peleasen por cualquier cosa. Pelear Imperative The imperative mood is used to give commands or orders. The tables below show positive and negative commands. Positive Commands Tà º pelea Fight!  ¡Pelea por la igualdad de gà ©nero! Usted pelee Fight!  ¡Pelee por sus derechos! Nosotros peleemos Fight!  ¡Peleemos por ganar la carrera! Vosotros pelead Fight!  ¡Pelead por los juguetes! Ustedes peleen Fight!  ¡Peleen por cualquier cosa! Negative Commands Tà º no pelees Don't fight!  ¡No pelees por la igualdad de gà ©nero! Usted no pelee Don't fight!  ¡No pelee por sus derechos! Nosotros no peleemos Let's not fight!  ¡No peleemos por ganar la carrera! Vosotros no peleà ©is Don't fight!!  ¡No peleà ©is por los juguetes! Ustedes no peleen Don't fight!!  ¡No peleen por cualquier cosa!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

William Wordsworths Daffodils Poem

William Wordsworths Daffodils Poem William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was a British poet who is known, along with friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge, for writing the collection Lyrical Ballads and a Few Other Poems. This set of poems embodied a style that was a break from the traditional epic poetry of the time and helped to launch what became known as the Romantic era. Wordsworths preface to the 1798 publication includes his famous argument in favor of common speech within poetry so that they would be accessible to more people. Poems from Lyrical Ballads include Coleridges best-known work, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and one of Wordsworths more controversial pieces, Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey. Wordsworths most critically-acclaimed work is the massive poem The Prelude, which he worked on throughout his life and which was published posthumously. But its perhaps his simple musing on a field of yellow flowers that became Wordsworths best-known and most-recited poem. I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud was written in 1802 after the poet and his sister happened upon a field of daffodils during a walk.   Life of William Wordsworth Born in 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumbria, Wordsworth was the second of five children. Both his parents died when he was young, and he was separated from his siblings, but later reunited with his sister Dorothy, with whom he remained close for the rest of his life.   In 1795 he met fellow poet Coleridge, beginning a  friendship and collaboration that would not only inform his work but his philosophical outlook as well. Both Wordsworths wife Mary and his sister Dorothy also influenced his work and his outlook.   Wordsworth was named Englands Poet Laureate in 1843, but in a strange twist of fate, ended up not writing anything while he held the honorary title.   Analysis of I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud This poems simple and straightforward language doesnt have much in the way of hidden meaning or symbolism  but reflects Wordsworths deep appreciation for nature. Before graduating from college, Wordsworth went on a walking tour of Europe, which inspired his interest in natural beauty as well as the common man.   Complete Text Here is the complete text of William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud aka Daffodils   I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high oer vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed - and gazed - but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Commercial speech Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Commercial speech - Research Paper Example Indeed, Cynthia Montgomery asserts that business leaders can appreciate the crucial role of being a strategist for purposes of defining and driving the objectives and advantages of their business in the industry. Indeed, the author teaches businesspersons how to develop the skills and sensibilities that living strategy and real leadership demand. The book, The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs by Cynthia Montgomery teaches us the need to become strategists in our businesses. Indeed, the author uses relevant examples to show how leaders play vital roles that depict strategists rather than setting a new set of models for learning and applying in a business. Indeed, the book asserts that there is an overlap between strategy and execution. With this information, the author challenges the businesspersons to consider the design and implementation of their current business strategy. The business leaders with thus establish whether they are strategists or they are just setting a new set of models for learning and applying in a business. Indeed, the author encourages business leaders to become strategists rather than just defining a strategy. This will significantly depict strategy as a continuous process in a business and not a chance to manifest leadership. The author equally teaches us that strategy is the most powerful means a leader has for shaping their business and not just a tool for outwitting the competition in the industry. Indeed, through her course, Montgomery derives a better understanding to all established business executives, owners, and CEOs on how to integrate leadership with strategy by being visionary and subjecting to defined values. Indeed, there is abject need for businesspersons to develop the skills and sensibilities that living strategy and real leadership demand for purposes of establishing significant competitive advantage in the industry. Ideally, in absence of strategy, leaders cannot succeed in their objectives since a leader

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research Paper - Essay Example Panem is the nation that Hunger Games took place which is in North America. This nation has 12 districts with Capitol being one of the districts that are wealthiest district. All the other 12 districts are poor but District 12 is located in a region where coal is available in plenty, the region was known as Appalachia. In each and every district on annual basis a boy and a girl who are in the age of 12 to 18 are taken where they compete in battle of death where one individual should only remain after the battle. The selection of the participant is done by a lottery method. In the theme of inequality between rich and poor in Panem wealth is concentrated on the hands of few individuals who live in Capitol and other certain districts. This is due to the difference between individuals who are rich and those who are poor. This difference is revealed in the novel but the most notable difference is on food. In those districts which the poor are numerous, many of the individuals do not have anything to eat and they starve while others have plenty in the Panem. Katniss lives in the district 12 and thus as a resident she notes starvation is a common to all the residents of district 12. This means that she has to take all the measures possible so that she can get something for the family using illegally ways. She even goes to an extent of going beyond the borders of the district 12 so that she can get food for her family. Most of the residents in district 12 do not know to hunt and thus they see as if katniss family has a lot while it was just something small. A fter the hunt Katniss family concludes that if one has something to eat others are luxuries. Katniss, while looking for food learns that peeta’s family has a lot since they have a bakery and thus they are considered as the rich in the district. Katniss is not able to buy the food and thus depends on the leftovers. When she is in Capitol, she finds that everybody who is there is enjoying lavish feast and other

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Detective Story Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Detective Story - Research Paper Example A group of workmen walking on their way home could be observed from a distance. At Geneva, the banking hours changes with demand, and so in most cases, the bankers work overtime to ensure that all customers are served to their satisfaction (Williamson, 1951). In one fateful day, business was going on as usual in one of the small banks as the merchants brought their day cash sales for deposit. It was approaching 7 o’clock and the last depositor had just departed, and the main door closed. The cashiers were busy engaged in balancing their books for the day. When the cashiers finished balancing their books and started packing the daily collection in bags for safe keeping, a knock was heard at the main exit door. Suddenly, three stocky men entered the banking hall while two of them proceeded to the cash section. The third one was left to behind to keep vigil at the main door. Once inside the cash section, one of them held the lady cashier by her neck while placing her other hand o n her mouth. Immediately, the young lady gave a piercing scream, trying to free. For the next few minutes, they got engaged in a wrestle, and at that moment, the young lady inflicted mouth bites on the arms of the attacker. On realizing that the time was moving too fast and it was becoming risky due to the screams, the attacker pointed the gun on her head and released the bullet. The room burst into a loud sound sending every person on the floor. The other attacker had managed to take control and had already accessed the safe - he was already packing the cash in a bag. No single minute was lost and as soon as they had packed all the daily collection and other valuables, they hurriedly left to a car packed adjacent to the main door. The front light facing the bank’s main entrance was not lit and it was hard to clearly observe what was happening. More so, the streets were full of activities with men and women buying wares while others were hurriedly walking to their homes from work. As soon as the two jumped with their bags into the vehicle, the one left manning the main door also hurriedly joined them, and the vehicle speed off. It took the other bankers long before they realized that the gang had already left. It was already at night and so there was no movement into the bank. After waking up, all the staffs were in big shock to find that all their daily collection and other valuables had been taken away. They were not sure of the next action. The bank’s president asked everybody to remain calm as they waited for the police to arrive. With great disbelief, one of the staffs noticed a flow of blood from the point where the young lady operated. On entering the cash point, the lady lay dead on the floor, and nothing much could have been done apart from waiting for the police to arrive. Time had moved so fast, and it was now at 2 am when the police and the detective arrived. Most of the staffs had been released to go home, apart from the senior bank officers who were asked to be left behind as the police officers collected the evidence. As the police officers were dusting the area for the assailants’ finger prints and looking around for DNA samples, the detective was taking temperatures and doing some calculations. Isaac Newton law of the cooling was to be applied in determining the â€Å"

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why is soledad relevant to Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Why is soledad relevant to Of Mice and Men Essay Soledad derives from the word Solitude, a state of social isolation. It is the situation/state of being alone. Loneliness is defined as an emotional state in which a person (or animal) experiences an immense feeling of emptiness and isolation. Loneliness and isolation is a theme that is reflected constantly throughout Of Mice and Men such as; the characters, in the minor actions that the characters pursue, in this case, when the men play solitaire, and also the settings which are described to us that give us the idea of loneliness. The characters in Of Mice and Men experience loneliness in various ways to each other through the story. Many of the men who work at the ranch travel alone besides George and Lennie. This makes the other men curious yet also suspicious of their motives. Many of the workmen and characters at the ranch can be seen as lonely in the way that they are separated from their families and civilisation, however, the characters which are the main victims of loneliness in Of Mice and Men are Curley’s wife, George and Crooks. John Steinbeck portrays Curley’s Wife as the only female on the ranch and gives the reader a description to identify her with ‘Full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red’ (Page 32), Steinbeck presents her as a beautiful young woman who is especially appealing to the men at the ranch. As we progress in the book we find that one of the men Whit explains, â€Å"I never seen nobody like her. She got the eye goinà ¢â‚¬â„¢ all the time on everybody. I bet she even gives the stable buck the eye. I don’t know what the hell she wants† (Page 51). It is soon discovered that Curley’s Wife is always looking for Curley and he is always looking for her. However this is just her alibi so that she can go around the ranch trying to talk to all the men and get their attention, which she doesn’t get from Curley. The men however are cautious of her as Curley is very aggressive and uneasy when anyone talks to his wife or when she talks to anyone at the ranch. So what happens when Lennie, who has been told not to talk or say anything to anybody at the ranch, begins to communicate with Curley’s Wife, an attractive, manipulative and lonesome woman. It is obvious that the worst is going to occur when this occurrence takes place (Lennie and Curley’s Wife talking), as Curley is already suspicious of him and George, and George has specifically told Lennie not to communicate with anyone because of recent bad events. Lennie said to Curley’s Wife as they sit alone in the barn, , â€Å"No, sir. I ain’t gon na talk to you or nothing† (Page 85), as the conversation goes on Curley’s Wife says, â€Å"Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.† Lennie replies to this situation the only way he knows how, â€Å"Well, I ain’t supposed to talk to you or nothing.† â€Å"I get lonely† Curley’s Wife said. â€Å"You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How’d you like not to talk to anybody?† (Page 85). Curley’s Wife being the only female on the ranch and with the restricted communication shared with any other humans on the ranch, was just trying to get the attention she believes she deserved and of course needed, so that she would not feel the loneliest and emptiest she has been ever since she married Curley. Although George travels with Lennie, he is emotionally and socially alone. George’s partner Lennie is mentally slow, meaning that communication between the two men is very frustrating as Lennie does not understand George and George is constantly annoyed at the sheer fact that Lennie isn’t very bright, continuously maki ng mistakes which get them into trouble. â€Å"An’ whatta I got,† George went on furiously. â€Å"I got you! You can’t keep a job and you loose me ever’ job I get. Jus’ keep me shovin’ all over the country all the time. An’ that ain’t the worst. You get in trouble. You do bad things and I got to get you out.† His voice rose nearly to a shout. â€Å"You crazy son-of-a-bitch. You keep me in hot water all the time.† (Page 13) George is always taking his anger out on Lennie by yelling at him as he believes this is the way it will get through to Lennie but this does not prevail and leaves George angrier than when he began shouting at Lennie. As this reoccurring annoyance towards Lennie happens even at the ranch it is acknowledged by one character; Crooks talks to Lennie in the barn, â€Å"Sometimes he talks, and you don’t know what the hell he’s talkin’ about. Ain’t that so?† (Page 69). George has no other friendship with anybody else, as he travels alone in life except for one disturbance, Lennie. As ill-fated as it is, Lennie is seen as a disturbance and obstruction to George. Even though Lennie may be very handy, he’s neither bright nor intelligent. In realism, it appears as though George himself is trying to escape the feeling of emptiness and the reality of loneliness. However he just finds himself unable to bond with Lennie in any way, leaving him trying to play his one man game with his unfortunate hindrance partner. Crooks, the stable barn, who lives in a small shed that leads off from the barn is exposed to loneliness as he keeps to himself in his small and deserted room. ‘Scattered about the floor were a number of personal possessions; for being alone, crooks could leave his things about.’ (Page 66). When first describing Crooks, the author puts and underlying message in our head of loneliness as to show us that this is one of the most important themes which is rampant throughout Of Mice and Men. Crooks faces loneliness and partly shelters himself to isolation due to prejudice from the people around him. He believes everyone is against him because he is a ‘negro’ however this may not always be the case, he just keeps to himself so that he doesn’t have to deal with getting grief off any of the other men, especially Curley. As a result of this, Crooks, Curley’s Wife and George may all be lonely in different ways to each other, and the other men, however, they all feel emptiness and it appears like they are all playing their own game each as a solitary individual man (or woman). A game played regularly by the men, George in particular, is Solitaire. This game is always played by one person which can be very relevant in the story Of Mice and Men when Steinbeck is reflecting to us the idea of loneliness. When George plays the game of solitaire he does this alone like he is playing his own game doing it the way he wants to. But in reality, he is always stuck with Lennie. This is just a way of getting away from the fact that Lennie is bringing him down, so that he can play his own game not constantly having to deal with the obstruction of his partner. This game is also the foreshadowing of loneliness, to show us that when George must shoot Lennie, he has been destined to be alone, alike to the other characters. Even when he had Lennie he felt alone, and now without even a companionship he is still alone, playing his own solitary game of life. The game solitaire is a very structured game, ‘George laid out his deliberate solitaire hand – seven cards, and six on top, and five on top of those’ (Page 52). George may relate the game to how he would like his life to be. A structure set out with some outcomes relying on fate, but an independent game played by one individual. On the whole, the game of solitaire foreshadows loneliness mainly through the character of George but also through the minor actions of the other workmen at the ranch. The ranch is set a few miles from Soledad, California and is geographically isolated from other human contact, except for the workmen and Curley’s wife who also live on the premises of the ranch. The feeling of isolation is immediately set upon us as Steinbeck produces a description to collate a picture and collect evidence that the characters are bound to be lonely at the ranch. On the ranch there are only a few small places where the characters spend their time when they are not working. The bunkhouse is a very plain room where the workmen sleep, this is where George and Lennie have a few private conversations, along with other events such as the argument over candy’s dog, the game of solitaire being played and the deep conversations between George and fellow worker Slim. Crooks isn’t welcome in the bunkhouse by the other men and this becomes clear when Crooks says to Lennie in his barn, â€Å"I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain’t wanted in my room† (Page 68). Crooks lives in a small room off the barn where he keeps to himself, having little or no communication with anyone unless it is to do his job as the stable buck. When Lennie, and then soon after Candy, enter his room, Crooks is setback but still very suspicious of why they are bothering him, he tries to hide his confusion and maybe even contentment with anger, although Steinbeck says ‘It was difficult for crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger’ (Page 74). His room is very isolated from the other people on the ranch which leaves him lonely all the time. Another setting in the story that is mostly remote is the barn. The only people who visit the barn are Lennie, when he is petting his pup, and Curley’s Wife when she takes shade in there as it is cool. The barn is secluded to the other places on the ranch in that when Curley’s Wife screamed for help due to the actions Lennie had taken, her cries were too distant that none of the other men could hear her. This shows us that the author has even included the theme of loneliness and especially isolation when the different settings in Of Mice and Men where analysed. To summarise, Steinbeck has incorporated Loneliness as one of the many themes into the story, Of Mice and Men, in many different ways. These are, firstly in the name, as Soledad means Solitude which can also mean Loneliness. Also through the characters, such as their motives, way of life and personalities. The game solitaire is another representation and foreshadow of Loneliness as this is a game that the characters play, especially George, as an individual, solitary, man, which in reality he is not. Lastly, the settings, in and around the ranch such as the bunkhouse, the barn and Crooks’ room all relate to isolation and loneliness as this is where many acts of the idea surrounding loneliness take place and progress through the story. John Steinbeck has sufficiently and broadly shown us how the theme and idea of Loneliness flows throughout his book ‘Of Mice and Men’.